St. Mary of Egypt

First Friday Community Meals
On the first Friday of the month, we host a dinner at 5 PM that is open to the community at large. Menu varies month to month, usually with a vegetarian option since Friday is normally a fast day for Orthodox Christian.
For more information, contact Amal Hanania
Blessing Box Pantry
We have a small free to the public pantry box at the southeast corner of our property, which is stocked as needed with nonperishable food items and toiletries to serve our local community. We also have set up an email address ( where those in the community can contact us and inform us as to any special needs and prayer requests.
For more information, contact Amal Hanania
Clothing Closet
We collect clothing, hygiene, and other items for those in need year-round. Every month we donate the surplus to Horizon House in downtown Indianapolis.
For more information, contact Kendra Blanchard
Maternity Outreach
At different times throughout the year, we hold drives to collect things for expecting moms and young infants which we take to the crisis pregnancy center in Greenwood.
For more information, contact Bobetta Cornelius
Bible Study
Every Sunday we have a Bible study after Liturgy at 12:30 PM that goes over specific books of the Bible, usually one from the New Testament. We also broadcast this via Zoom and Telegram
Book Study
Every Monday evening (starting after the New Year) at 7 PM we will have an online book study where we will be going over Byzantine Theology by Fr John Meyendorff (+1989). Like the Bible study, it will be broadcast via Zoom and Telegram.
For more info about either the Bible Study or Book Study, contact Subdeacon Mark Cornelius at, or for a link to join the study, contact Patrick Harry at