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Services on the week of April 18-25


Wednesday April 21 at 6:30pm 6th week Presanctified Service. This is our last Presanctified Service this Lent. Saturday April 24 1. Lazarus Saturday Divine Liturgy at 10am. This service is the beginning of Holy Week 2. Work Day follows. Please bring a change of clothes and your lunch. There is a lot to be done to prepare the church for Holy Week and Pascha. A separate email will follow with list of activities for our work day on Saturday 3. Great Vespers is cancelled Sunday April 25 1. Palm Sunday Divine Liturgy at 10am with a procession carrying palms 2. First Bridegroom Service at 6:30pm There are daily services leading up to Pascha starting with Lazarus Saturday. Please attend as many of the services as you are able to. Holy Pascha Service is on Saturday May 1 at 10pm with Rush, Matins and Resurrection Liturgy.

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